astraea zine

embrace your inner goddess.

our mission.

Astraea Zine project is a free & accessible platform for girls to share their art and writing with the world. We aim to amplify the voices of girls around the world who do not have the resources or ability to express themselves. Our focus is on photography, art, and writing by young women that shares their experiences with the world. Whether it’s a short story, a painting, or a picture, we want to help girls be heard.

Our mission is to be a place where girls can embrace their inner goddess.

Astraea Zine is a Girl Scout Gold Award Project as of 2022


Who is Astraea?

Astraea, the star-maiden, is the Greek goddess of justice, truth, purity, and precision. She represents our ideals to promote liberation, strength, and power for girls all around the world. These ideals inspire us to reach for the stars and use our voices – which is what our platform strives to achieve.


Music can be the most influential language.

Connect with us through it.