Fountain of Remedy

A Poem by Minahil Mehr

Springs from the ground, in the air, in the sun,

Reminds one that what is done cannot be undone.

Each droplet so unique, so distinct, so gentle, so pure,

Possession one’s salvation, one’s remedy, one’s cure.

A drop of hope, of reassurance, of courage, of strength,

All combined to form a fountain so great in length.

In the heart, in the mind doth springs the fountain of remedy,

Its water quenching the flames of regret and misery.

In place of the once guilty weight doth the waters unlock the chains,

The fountain of remedy clears one’s heart , and its pure waters flow through one’s veins.

Waters pushed by their own tide, doth light the path in an endless sea,

It truly doth merge into the ocean, the majestic fountain of remedy.


An Angel’s Light


Circle of Life & The Art of Forgiveness